Ⅰ The aim
Miyazaki food valley plays an important role in an Agropolis structure based in Netherlands land food valley and as a national model of a food valley in the rural areas. The basic principle is to attract young people to the agricultural industry as a cool industry.
So we would like to change the name of Miyazaki Food Valley to Cool Agro Valley (CAV).
In order to put Cool Agro into practice, we will try to achieve to make simple processed valued products more value added chained, boosting an economic effect, and an unification of “Miyazaki brand”, based on integrating individual brand of agricultural products in Miyazaki prefecture.
The destination leveling and unification is attractive features of agriculture, which has already been achieving in Netherlands as Cool Agro.
Ⅱ Content
- We create C.A.V foundation as promoter of cool return.
- The financial resources of foundation are in principle all government, because it is initiative of Japan.
Local government and local private bout contest with wisdom and motivation.
However local government has burden part. - Role of C.A.V foundation
The foundation plays a role to support operation and financial side.
It needs to pull up agriculture until the level like advanced industry. - Setting goals for the Cool Agro Foundation
(From the research of Miyata’s team and the finding from the survey of European youth mission). - Increasing income for farmers and food-related companies.
(current rate 1.5 times)
Accelerate toward the export target set by the prefecture through the development of a new agricultural food business that assumes exports. - Pursuit of efficiency in agricultural production and sales support.
- Welfare and working environment have reached a general business model.
- Re-examination of effective placement of learning environment on agricultural technology and management techniques and realization of student capacity improvement.
- C. A. V Foundation Function
The foundation is not only traditional facility aggregate, but also a cool organism that organically links the following 5 functions. - Management model function
Focusing on best blend agricultural management model a new management model that covers the elements of Cool Agro.
We dip up business mind of farmer by enlightenment spread.
We build export scheme to impossible sales development from Miyazaki to around world. - Human resource development function
Excavation of new young agriculture food worker who have big business mind by founding of fostering study program.
{Agricultural entrepreneurship theory.} - Test Research Promotion Function
Setting up an incubator for young people who want to start a business related to agriculture.
We will provide support for matching fund, business matching operations. - Exchange promotion function
Close collaboration with the Netherlands a developed country of Cool Agro is a prerequisite.
Establish and utilize a network of exchanges with Wageningen University in Netherlands and Food Valley Foundation. - Accumulation promotion function
Subsidy support for the accumulation of cool Agro-related companies.
Ⅲ Future actions
Japanese archipelago exists long north and south 10 times than the Netherlands.
Food Valley should also vary according to local characteristics.
We cooperated with class B gourmet in Fujinomiya city, Obihiro city in Hokkaido with large scale agriculture and suburban type around Tokyo and upgraded to the problem of all Japan.
We brought in cabinet decision according to characteristics and looked up support.
Ⅳ Relationship with events of the Sankei University within the year
Joined Cool Agro Valley and C.A.V Foundation.
It was taken up as a consistent throughout the survey European Administration and Agropolis meeting and Symposium.